Last month, in November, we reviewed a song that captured the idea of “Emmanuel” meaning, “God is with us” and how that means that God has taken the form of his people, his creation, to personally experience how we live and to live with us. The way God did this was through the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. What Jesus would go on to demonstrate and teach to God’s people throughout His life and ministry would be in fulfilment of the prophecy spoken by Isaiah. Isaiah prophesied that there would be a birth from a virgin and that she would name Him ‘Immanuel’. This was so important because the birth of Jesus was not only God coming to live with His people, but also the very joining of Heaven and earth. I also mentioned in the last review that I hope that we’ve been carrying the spirit of Christmas within us, spreading joy and positive energy to others as we approach the day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord coming to live with us and inviting Him to live within us.
“O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel”
This month, since it is actually the month that we’re going to be observing Advent leading up to our celebration of Christmas, I wanted to continue this idea of ‘Emmanuel’ and God coming to live with us, but with a more celebratory, energetic feeling. I wanted to end on a high note with this year’s series of Yeshuwa Reviews, and as I was listening to songs over this past month to review, I felt that “Emmanuel” by Life.Worship Church and the talented vocalist Chandler Moore matched the uplifting energy I was looking for to continue this idea.
“O come, Thou Rod of Jesse”
This modern rendition of this classic Christmas song in its entirety is upbeat and fun. The chorus and first verse have lyrics that are reminiscent of the traditional song of “O Come, O Come, Immanuel.” In the first verse we hear the singer calling upon Jesus to rescue Israel and the Jewish people who are mourning until the day Jesus comes. This is what we join to celebrate during the Christmas season, the coming of Jesus to free not only the Jewish people, but all people, though Him first, being born and eventually conquering death. The second verse asks of Jesus to help us do this too, just after calling Him the Rod of Jesse that has to save us from satan’s tyranny. During the bridge the instrumentation opens, giving an ethereal feeling while Moore’s vocals remind us that Heaven is with us now just before giving us another powerfully uplifting chorus with lyrics that are similar to the traditional “O Come, O Come, ‘ Immanuel.”
“Emmanuel, Emmanuel
Heaven is with us now
Glory is all around”
I’ve always loved music because it lets me be able to go wherever the music and the singers take me, and this song is one that definitely takes us up and to a good place. Some of us have had a year that was as upbeat and joyful as this song is, while some of us have had a little more work to do in order to experience that feeling. However this year was for you, I hope you end on a high note. It’s important to remain positive and optimistic, even when it gets rough. Have faith and pray in the good times and the bad times and realize He is with you always; and that reason is the purpose we rejoice, rejoice, for Emmanuel has come!
“Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel”
I pray that you & yours have a very Merry Christmas and a fantastically blessed New Year!
“Chandler Moore.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 June 2024. Accessed 27
Nov. 2024.
Life.Church. “Emmanuel (Feat. Chandler Moore): Gloria: Life.Church Worship.” Life Church. Accessed 27 Nov. 2024.
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” Hymnary.Org. Accessed 27 Nov. 2024