Statement of Faith

The following statement of faith and mission was drafted and adopted at the time of our chartering in 1992.

We, the family of God at Church of the Cross,
called to faith by God’s grace,
united by the love of Christ, God’s Son,

empowered to serve by God the Holy Spirit,
dedicate ourselves, our abilities and our resources,
to preaching, teaching, and living,
in obedience to God’s word, the Bible,
in order to allow God to equip us for every good work
and to multiply His ministry in this community and beyond.

We rejoice in our desire to fulfill this final command of Jesus to: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Out of this mandate by Christ arises our daily mission:

To seek ways to help those who do not know about Christ to understand what it means to be a Christian and to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.

To disciple all believers to a deeper faith and commitment through strong biblically-based education and worship, that they might be an effective witness to the love of Christ everywhere they go.

To worship our Lord with music, prayer and scriptural messages that inspire, instruct, and clearly communicate the message and mission of Christ.

To nurture and provide care to a hurting world, locally through support-care of members and mission work in the community, and globally through financial and personal participation in a wide variety of mission projects.

To intentionally impact the secular world as a “light on the hill”, showing by our attitudes and actions the care and compassion of a Christ-centered, biblically-based life

To work for renewal within our own Presbyterian denomination that its people, pastors, and programs will be known as Bible-based and mission-minded.

To provide facilities for a comprehensive ministry that will deepen the faith of those who know Christ and will attract those who do not know Christ.